Photo by Peter Hansen on Unsplash
Five years ago Ryan invited his family and ours to join him seaside in Laguna Beach, California. He planned to propose to our daughter. Though she eagerly hoped for engagement, Elise had no idea that this was in the air. The event was carefully designed for surprise.
It was the Christmas holiday season. Wafia and I were visiting our all kids in California. Our trip to Laguna Beach was billed as an afternoon family excursion. Not unusual. That we were going to the very place Ryan formerly began their dating relationship was called happenstance.
As we started down the zigzagging descent from town to beach, six, . . . maybe twelve, . . . maybe twenty small placards strategically placed along handrails announced romance, oozed love, and suggested proposal. But this was a crowded place! Scores of people walked up and down the path. Everyone was pointing, laughing, anticipating the seashore and wondering who was in love. We played dumb, smiled, and acted wonder.
Complete surprise unraveled somewhat when Elise spotted a member of Ryan’s family. “What are they doing here?” We tried, "Huh!? What a coincidence!"
Elise knew and started to laugh and cry and scream and run, dodging beachcombers coming and going, headed for the spot down the beach, on a rock outcropping where it all started a year before. What she had dreamed about and eagerly anticipated was happening. She couldn't see him yet . . . but knew he would be there.
Ryan’s heretofore hiding and unidentified extended clan suddenly appeared. We all quickly followed . . . shouting, laughing, crying, clapping.
From a distance we watched as Ryan lifted Elise in his arms, took a knee, and asked for her hand in marriage.
The photographer got closeups. Standing at some distance, all the relatives shouted and cheered. And scores of beachcombers, tourists, random bystanders, people we’d never seen before or after, paused, gazed, clapped, cheered, and hailed love. Epic!
It turns out, everybody gets excited about weddings.
The Bible talks about a wedding that heaven eagerly anticipates. “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. . . Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19: 7, 9 NIV)
You’re invited. In fact, you are, the church is, His bride.
Jesus has everything ready. He supplies “fine linen, bright and clean” wedding attire - His righteousness. (Revelation 19: 8)
Have you surrendered your heart to Jesus? Have you opened your heart to the Holy Spirit’s transformation?
Give your heart and affections to heaven’s soon-coming King and Bridegroom today and every day till He comes.