Every believer in Christ is a minister. God has given each of us unique skills, personal interests, and spiritual gifts. When we combine these elements with the prompting and empowerment of His Spirit, God is honored by our efforts, we are energized by our service and others are blessed through our involvement. Village Church encourages everyone to become involved in service opportunities and strategic ministries both within the church and in our larger community. Our greatest joy is joining, as Christ’s followers, in meaningful, life-changing ministry.
If you want to volunteer in a ministry, please fill out our ministry interest survey and our ministry placement team will get in touch with you about how you can use your gifts to glorify God in this church community.
The following list of ministries summarizes a part of the work Village Church members participate in throughout the valley to share the gospel and serve others with Christlike love.
Health and Wellness
The members of the Health and Wellness ministry team focus on bringing to the church and community healthful lifestyle improvement programs founded on the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.
Health and Wellness is the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God practiced.
“Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31
Throughout the year biblical wellness programs are offered such as CHIP and BEST WEIGH, promoting a vibrant lifestyle that brings mental, physical and social wellness to the glory of God.
Best Weigh
Best Weigh is a weight management program designed to help individuals lose weight permanently. Best Weigh is a high value but low cost program requiring commitment and as little as $20 for the entire ten week program! Week-by-week your food choices and portions become more healthful. Best Weigh is like a short post-graduate course in nutrition. Topics covered include: fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sugars and other simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and fiber, fruits and vegetables, protein foods, food supplements, and reading nutrition labels.
We usually host a Best Weigh program each year. Check the church calendar for an updated schedule.
Community Services
The Center
36 S.W. 8th St.
College Place, WA 99324

The mission of the Center is to fund the Village Church student aid fund through the sale of gently used clothes, furniture, and other household and personal items. While the prices are always very reasonable, The Center is happy to help people with financial needs.
The Center is always needing extra help during the week to retrieve donations from estate sales, and to help organize and clean the goods for sale for the next week. Join the volunteer team at 8th and Bade in College Place, Sundays 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM or Mondays 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Your help is appreciated! Contact Steve for more information about volunteering.
Open to the public Sundays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Steve Fuchs | 509-540-9180
SonBridge Community Center
SonBridge provides humanitarian relief, healthcare, dental care, a thrift store and opportunities for individual and community development. Sonbridge provides many of its services free of charge and operates almost entirely on volunteer labor. To volunteer or find out more information about SonBridge's mission and operations visit www.sonbridge.org.
Journey to the Cross
Journey to the Cross is a guided walk-through tour. Each group will follow Jesus through nine powerful scenes, experiencing His final week of life on earth in a moving way! Journey to the Cross is FREE and open to the public.
If you'd like to volunteer in our next Journey to the Cross fill out the volunteer registration form. For more information, contact the ministry placement pastor, Dan Solis.
Outreach Leadership Team
Village Church's outreach team seeks opportunities for sharing Christ in the Walla Walla Valley. The team is focused on creating a culture where every member is a missionary in their community. Anyone who is interested may participate with our regular training and outreach sessions on Sabbath afternoons. For information about schedules, training, and volunteering, contact:
- Chad Washburn | (509) 301-0023 | villagechurchoutreach@gmail.com
Prison Ministry
The Walla Walla Valley SDA Prison Ministry Team includes many volunteers and they need our prayers. If you would like to be a part of the prison ministry support group contact Pat Williams.
The Prison Ministry team continues to raise funds to buy Bibles for men who are incarcerated in the Washington State Penitentiary. Most of the men who attend our meetings are ardent students of the Bible and these study Bibles are a tremendous blessing for them. Donate through Village Church giving and mark your donation for Prison Ministries.
Prison Ministries is also seeking volunteers to write to new Adventist Christians who have joined the Village Church from prison as well as those who attend weekly meetings. The purpose of this ministry is to connect and encourage, in the spirit of Christ. For details call Betty.
- Pat Williams | (509) 520-1112 | canaweddings@yahoo.com
- Betty Roberton | (509) 200-2920
Television Ministry
Village Church Television Ministries exists to proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ by sharing the worship services and special programs of Village Church through youtube and Blue Mountain TV. Watch our live programs on Sabbath mornings at 11 am Pacific Standard Time on our media page.
We're in the middle of upgrading our 17 year old cameras to modern HD cameras. If you'd like to help us, donate to Village Church and mark you donation for "VCTV Cameras."
Music Ministry
With many dedicated musicians among the members, we have a wonderful choir, a handbell choir, various instrumental and vocal soloists and ensembles, organists, pianists, a church orchestra, and a couple youth guitar groups.
To participate in our music ministry, contact our music minister and choir director, Terry Koch.